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Movie: Snake Eyes

Reviewed on Wednesday, 09/11/19 at 8:51pm
Movie Reviews
Snake Eyes - Movie
2 Stars

This movie feels like a late 90’s time capsule with every character cranked up to a level 11 caricature, while the central “whodunit” mystery is somewhat lackluster.

2 / 5 Stars.

Learn more in the video below!
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Review Details

Nic Cage "Nic Cage Meter": Through the Roof
5 / 5

Cinematography: Varied and Interesting
4.5 / 5

Plot Effectiveness: Limited
2 / 5

Character Believability: Minimal
1.5 / 5

Snake Eyes (YouTube Trailer)

This trailer actually makes the movie look far more dramatic than it ends up being, unfortunately.

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