The extreme color palette and overdone scenes of gore and nudity feel like a desparate (and unfortunately unsuccessful) attempt to divert attention from the acting, plot, and dialog.
The plot is basically the minimum scaffolding required to lead up to one particular scene - and while that scene does play well, the movie glosses over details about the more interesting backstory in favor ...
Suffice to say I missed some of the subtext in the prologue and largely didn't understand anything of the 20 minute ending - but despite the (at times excruciatingly) slow pace and several bizarre audio-visual ...
This movie feels like a late 90's time capsule with every character cranked up to a level 11 caricature, while the central "whodunit" mystery is somewhat lackluster.
It's a remake of a movie that didn't need to be remade, with ill fitting effects and a villain who never feels believable.
The title says it all - the blood effects are bloody, the comedy is well-balanced & natural, and the viewing experience made for a good time.
Due in large part to the excruciatingly slow pace, this movie is less interesting than the actual job of a census worker.
A truly unique movie unlike any I've seen - the offbeat humor is entertaining and original, the story never predictable, and the carefully blended soundtrack makes for a strangely cinematic experience.
This movie introduces several mysterious elements that are elaborate and intriguing, but without the satisfying payoff it feels like they deserve - perhaps an accurate depiction of Anna's unbalanced mental state, but a "fizzle out" ...
This movie is just utter dreck, slow plodding idiocy devoid of any interest or excitement - there might be enough material here to cut together a good 2 minute trailer, but little else.