This movie introduces several mysterious elements that are elaborate and intriguing, but without the satisfying payoff it feels like they deserve - perhaps an accurate depiction of Anna's unbalanced mental state, but a "fizzle out" ending nonetheless. Read more
This movie is just utter dreck, slow plodding idiocy devoid of any interest or excitement - there might be enough material here to cut together a good 2 minute trailer, but little else. Read more
Torturous, suspenseful, ruthless depravity with twists I never saw coming - a unique experience, if you can stomach it. Read more
It's chilling, it's brutal, it doesn't hold back - and when they're ready for revenge, it's viciously entertaining. Read more
The characters aren't likable or compelling, the scenario they're in feels forced, and at times the quality of the CGI is the scariest thing about the movie. Read more
There were a couple really cool ideas here, but they're lost under a sea of meaningless monologues and awful character decisions. Read more
Fast paced, fun, and surprisingly well acted - it feels more like a whimsical play than a movie, and is impressively well done and uniquely entertaining! Read more
I'll remember the handful of Sour Patch Kids I ate while watching this movie more than I'll remember the plot. Read more
He'll huff, and he'll puff, and he'll knock over a few potted plants. Read more
Entertaining at times, but Jurassic Park required less suspension of disbelief. Read more